
Submission in response to discussion paper 'Implementation considerations should coercive control be criminalised in SA'.


Uniting Communities made a submission to the Attorney-General’s department in response to the discussion paper, ‘Implementation considerations should coercive control be criminalised in South Australia.’

In our response, we provide input on how to support the implementation of a coercive control offence, including improvements to education and training for first responders, support for victims/survivors and effective responses to and for coercive control perpetrators. Our input is based on deep experience in the provision of related social and legal services to those impacted by domestic and family violence.

Coercive control has been recognised by Uniting Communities as comprising of the many tactics and strategies which perpetrators of domestic and family violence have used as a means by which to control their partner and family members. Coercive control has considerable impacts on the emotional and psychological well-being of victims/survivors. Improving systemic responses to coercive control is crucial to the welfare and safety of victims/survivors of family and domestic violence.

Prepared by the Uniting Communities Advocacy Unit.