advocacy, election

Strengthening Connections:

Uniting Communities'

SA election proposals


With two years of COVID induced isolation behind us, the most important responsibility for the next SA Government is to help to strengthen the connections that link people to their communities. Uniting Communities is making practical proposals to the political parties that help to strengthen connections, support vulnerable people and respond to climate change.

Our priority proposals deal with: overcoming loneliness, housing for older women, energy cost support for low income renters, mental health and sobering up support in regional SA. We also encourage the parties to commit to SA being Net Zero by 2035.

Overcoming loneliness

Loneliness presents as one of our greatest public health challenges. Research undertaken by Uniting Communities during the pandemic has only shown it to have become a bigger problem across all age groups. We need action to help isolated people to reconnect with their communities.


Housing for single, older women

Single women over 50 are increasingly doing it tough. We need purpose built housing for older, single, lower income women that is affordable and provides a safe private space, as well as shared facilities.


Reducing energy costs for low income renters

The poorest people in our community are generally private sector renters. SA Government incentives are needed to encourage landlords of lower value rental properties to install roof top solar and/or heat pump hot water systems so people living on lower incomes can benefit from SA's world leading uptake of rooftop solar.


Detoxification services in regional SA

Isolation has led to increased drug use. Appropriate resourcing is needed to ensure that our key regional centres are able to support medically supervised alcohol and drug detoxification and withdrawal management. This needs to be both in hospital and at home, where people can be safe.


Net Zero by 2035

Uniting Communities has committed to be Net Zero by 2035. South Australia is very well placed for the whole state to achieve this goal by 2035 and we are calling on all political parties to support this transition.


Uniting Communities looks forward to working with the next SA government to help strengthen connections that will build communities and improve the State.

Read our full call to the parties here.

Watch the full video of our South Australian State Election Proposal below.

For media comment

Mark Henley, Manager Advocacy

Phone: 0404 067 011
