opinion piece, aged care

Opinion piece: Fill every day with kindness


Kindness is one of the most important qualities for staff working in any service industry. For services that support older people, kindness is an essential ingredient for care.

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Pictured: Mel Ottaway, Executive Manager, Services for Older People


This Friday 17 February is Random Acts of Kindness Day. We should all try to imagine a world where we can succeed by being nice. Where we all pay it forward. Where people look out for each other. It all starts with one act – one smile, one nice word, one favour for a friend.

There are many benefits of being kind. Kindness can improve mental wellbeing – showing compassion and connecting with people provides joy and happiness and positive emotions. Being kind is good for you and everyone else – those who give kindness and those who receive it.

You don’t need to plan ahead to be kind, let it be spontaneous – it could be as simple as smiling at a stranger, offering to help carry someone’s groceries, giving someone an unexpected compliment, or a small token of appreciation. Random acts of kindness also extend to being kind to ourselves – forgive past mistakes, drink more water, laugh more, treat yourself, listen to your favourite music.

The best thing is that being kind does not need to cost anything – to ourselves or others. While 17 February may provide a prompt for a Random Act of Kindness, we should all try to make it the norm, each and every day.

Being kind is infectious – let’s help pass it around!

As published in The Advertiser's Boomer lift-out on 13 February 2023.