
Submission in response to Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Income Management Reform) Bill 2023 Inquiry 


Uniting Communities welcomes the Australian Parliament’s Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Income Management Reform) Bill 2023.

Uniting Communities applauds the Federal Government’s commitment to ending Compulsory Income Management (CIM) for those subjected to the Cashless Debit Card (CDC) regime in 2022. 

We urge the Government to address all Compulsory Income Management regimes in the same way  that  they  have addressed the Cashless  Debit  Card  regime,  namely by removing  the compulsory  nature  of  the  regime  and  by extending  existing  support  services  and  delivering  a range of new initiatives that are community driven and place-based. 

Submission in response to Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Income Management Reform) Bill 2023 Inquiry