
Inquiry into Mental Health in the Workplace:

Preventing Suicide


Uniting Communities is pleased to provide a submission to the Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation’s inquiry into Mental Health in the Workplace: Preventing Suicide.

Uniting Communities is pleased to provide a submission to the Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation’s inquiry into Mental Health in the Workplace: Preventing Suicide.

In this submission we draw on published evidence to highlight the link between work and suicide and make a case for suicide awareness and intervention training. Suicide awareness and intervention training has been shown to change people’s knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and health-seeking behaviours.

Uniting Communities has developed a training program that is ready to be delivered in workplaces. We seek support from Government, the Parliament and WorkCover and/or SafeWork SA to increase industry awareness of the training and uptake for the benefit of the South Australian community. We welcome the opportunity for further discussion with the Committee.