in the news, advocacy

Tenants as Water Customers - Consumer Advocacy Project


The Advocacy Team has completed the Consumer Advocacy and Research Fund project exploring equitable water billing in South Australia. A Final Recommendations Report highlights legislative changes required in the Water Industry Act and the Residential Tenancies Act. This report follows the previous Issues Paper, which captured the problems tenants face as a result of SA's water billing process.

Funded by the Consumer Advocacy and Research Fund, this project aims to change legislation (Water Industry Act and Residential Tenancies Act) to improve tenants’ access to hardship assistance, dispute resolution,and enhance overall transparency in the water industry.

Developed through extensive consultation with government and industry stakeholders, the Recommendations Report and Issues Paper provide a comprehensive picture of legislative issues, vulnerable tenants’ experiences, and diverse solutions to shape the future of equitable water billing in SA.


Final recommendations report

Tenants & Water issues paper

For media comment

Aasha Sriram

Project Officer - Advocacy & Communications

0478 024 443