year in review, news


Year in review


There have been many examples over the last 12 months which have shown how Uniting Communities continues to innovate through the delivery of new responses to the challenges facing our community.

Dr Sue King, Chair + Simon Schrapel AM, Chief Executive


Responding to changing needs

As we have all needed to adjust to a new normal in response to the global pandemic, Uniting Communities has continued to modify its services and responses. Whether it’s the establishment of new services to changing needs, or adjusting existing programs to ongoing needs, we have been flexible and responsive.

From managing the ongoing risks for some of our most vulnerable citizens in aged care homes to providing safe work sites for staff and customers across South Australia – Uniting Communities has responded. By enabling safe and ongoing access to our service outlets, maintaining continuity of in-home support or delivering assistance in other community settings, we have reached out to more people in need in the last year than ever before.


COVID mental health support

Beyond the immediate health risks posed by COVID-19, Uniting Communities has become acutely aware of the growing impacts on the mental health and wellbeing of all South Australians. Through Lifeline Adelaide and the COVID Mental Health Support Line, we have reached out to South Australians struggling with the disruption and restrictions created by the pandemic.

Since its establishment in March 2020, our SA COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line has made and received in excess of 35,000 support calls and online chats. The service has offered invaluable support to people in hotel quarantine or who have are self-isolating upon return to SA.


Supporting joyful family reunifications

After years of campaigning for the implementation of an evidence-based reunification service for children in care, Uniting Communities was proud to launch Newpin in South Australia. Funded through a social investment bond, Newpin has enabled social investors to engage in a new program for children, with Uniting Communities leading the delivery of a service that will sustainably reunite children with their families. It is a great example of the leadership Uniting Communities undertakes in social policy and practice.

Since July 2021, our Newpin program at Smithfield has supported 10 families with 18 children between them. In only the first few months, the team have already facilitated two successful reunifications.

Helping navigate the NDIS

Since launching in January 2020, our Disability Advocacy Service has supported over 175 South Australians living with a disability. It’s the first advocacy service with a specific NDIS focus, providing legal representation for NDIS appeals, supporting NDIS concerns and helping people access or change their plans.


Talking about loneliness

Our ongoing research into the extent of South Australians’ feelings of loneliness is driving our advocacy for improved initiatives to address this public health challenge. It is one of many areas in which Uniting Communities is applying the knowledge and experience gained from its front line services to influence public policy. 

Homelessness response

Since September 2020, Homeless Connect has received over 34,000 calls and helped over 4300 rough sleepers find housing. As the first point of contact for people seeking emergency accommodation, the service took over 3500 calls in one week during the July lockdown.


SA-first Specialist Dementia Care Program

Our Specialist Dementia Care Program is the first of its kind in South Australia, combining community living with specialised care for people living with severe dementia. Since launching at Aldersgate Residential Aged Care, the program has welcomed 18 residents, with 8 successful discharges who have transitioned into mainstream residential aged care.

Multi-award winning
U City

As we settled into our second year in our renowned U City development, we welcomed new residents, customers and tenants into our unique vertical village. U City is delivering on its ambitious vision of re-defining how diverse communities can be created in ways that improve the wellbeing and amenity of all. It’s also contributing to our commitment to further reducing our carbon footprint as an accredited carbon neutral organisation. We are proud that U City continues to be acknowledged as an exemplar in mixed use development, as evidenced through many State and National awards.


Supporting our staff to deliver vital services

Our staff and volunteers have continued to adapt to meet the changing and growing needs across our community. From continuing to change our methods of service delivery around shifting public health requirements to starting up new services and responses – they have delivered. We are acutely aware of just how vital our more than 1400 staff and volunteers are in ensuring we can meet the changing expectations and demands of our community. Supporting our people to do the best they can in often difficult and trying circumstances has been a strong priority for our support services teams who have also played their role in delivering on our promise to build compassionate communities and great lives.

View the 2020/21 Financial Report

Uniting Communities Incorporated and controlled entities

Financial Report - 30 June 2021