Sexual abuse + sexual assault counselling

Confidential, safe counselling, supporting you - and your support network - to work through recent or past sexual abuse and sexual assault.

Program Overview

It is difficult to talk about experiences of sexual abuse or sexual assault. With any form of sexual violence, we understand that the effects can be long-lasting.

Our counselling services are free, confidential, respectful and safe. We can help you to reduce the impact, heal and move forward.

Our counsellors


  • are specially trained in this field

  • listen and believe you, without judgement

  • respect your choices

  • protect your privacy

  • keep your information confidential, where it is safe to do so.

Sexual Abuse + Sexual Assault Counselling for young people


You can access these counselling services if you’re aged 12 to 25. We can also speak with your family if you would like.

Once we’ve learned more about your situation, we‘ll find the best way to support you. You decide what it is you want to talk about. We will shape our service around the discussions that are most important to you.

Client, Counselling services

"It has been vital to not feel rushed or pressured. They allow me space to set the pace, which I have found essential for recovery."

Here are some frequently asked questions

How will you support me?
What are your counselling fees?
Where are your services available?
Contact Information
Sexual abuse + sexual assault counselling
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