Domestic + family violence

If you experience or use anger, violence or abuse in a relationship, it is time to find help.

Service overview

Domestic and family violence is any act that is violent or controlling towards a partner or children.

It occurs when someone attempts to physically or psychologically dominate others in their family. This may cause family members to feel threatened, intimidated or fearful, and wary about what they say or do. 1 in 6 women and 1 in 16 men have experienced physical or sexual violence from a current or previous partner. And 25% of women and 5% of men have experienced emotional abuse from a current or previous partner.
Program Information
What we know about domestic violence
In Australia, domestic violence is most commonly experienced by women at the hands of men. In most cases the violent and abusive behaviour is just one of the tactics used to gain power and control over women and children. There are many types of domestic violence. Some of these are not easily recognised as being abusive.

Call us to find out more

Contact Information
Domestic and Family Violence Service

Who can access the service

Use the below information as a guide to whether you can access the payment. All of the below requirements must be met in order to be eligible.

EVP is not a crisis intervention service.

The payment is available to:

  • Australian citizen / permanent resident in Australia

  • People over 18 years old

  • People who have not accessed EVP in the last 12 months

Who can access the service

Use the below information as a guide to whether you can access the payment. All of the below requirements must be met in order to be eligible.

EVP is not a crisis intervention service.

The payment is available to:

  • Australian citizen / permanent resident in Australia

  • People over 18 years old

  • People who have not accessed EVP in the last 12 months